Got a question? Try here first.
  • Is Project Marlin a business?

    No, Project Marlin started out as a way for me (Stewart) to show the work being conducted on the Marlin and hopefuly be able to find people who had information about it. 

  • Do you earn money from Project Marlin.

    No. The projects are currently wholey funded buy ourselves, if and when we generate any income via YouTube, and Merch sales this will all be used to fund the restoration projects to to pay for our time.

  • Are you full time YouTubers?

    No, we currently earn no money from YouTube. The videos we produce are done for fun and because we think people might like them. We all have full time jobs.

  • Are all of the projects owned by one person?

    No, we each have at least one project on going that is wholey owned by one of us. Currently we don't have any jointly owned projects but there my be one or to planned for the future.

  • I have some information on the Marlin. Are you interested?

    Information on any of our projects will be gratefully received, whether historic or technical.

    Please contact us via the contacts form and we ill get back to you asap. 

  • Can I come for a visit?

     Unfortunately, we cannot accept visitors and we currently have no plans to open to the public. However, if we ever open to the public, it will be announced on this site.

  • Can I come and get involved?

    We are not accepting volunteers as such but if you are local to the Swindon/ Bristol area and have a skill you think might help, please contact us via the contacts form

  • I have a media/sponsorship enquiry

    Please contact us via the contacts form with the relevant subject line and we will get back to you asap. 

  • I want to donate towards the restoration project. How can I do that?

    There are 2 ways to support the project one is our Teespring shop the second is to subscribe to our channel mirror on Utreon.

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